THE UNIVERSITY OF ALGARVE (UALG, PORTUGAL) is a public higher education institution founded in 1979, located in the southernmost region of Portugal, the Algarve. With more than 8000 students of which 25% of students are international, UAlg has teaching and research as its core activities in different scientific areas: science and technology, management and economy, earth and marine sciences, social sciences, health sciences and medicine. UAlg takes part in the Erasmus programme since 1993 and holds an Erasmus Charter. The University of Algarve coordinated an Erasmus Mundus master programme on Ecohydrology (2010-2016), holds an UNESCO Chair in Ecohydrology: water for ecosystems and societies, is a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the UNESCO Programme since 2004 and coordinates the International centre for Coastal Ecohydrology.


THE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE LÜBECK (TH LÜBECK, GERMANY) offers varied and future-oriented courses in application-oriented research with a focus on innovation and technology. There are about 36 bachelor and master degree courses in Technology, Natural Sciences, Economics and Architecture. The courses are practically-oriented prepare our approximately 5,100 students in presence courses, dual and online studies for diverse areas of application in professional life. The study courses are tailored to the needs of the job market and the economy, and have a strong regional and practical aspect. Thanks to a number of collaborations with foreign universities in Europe, America and Asia, graduates of TH Lübeck are sought-after specialists, both nationally and internationally. Diversity is not merely a theme of our teaching philosophy; it is also evident in our laboratory work, research, development, and continuing education. Our 140 professors are supported by an administrative, scientific and technical staff of about 320. As a particularly strong research university, TH Lübeck sees itself as an innovation service provider for the regional economy. The Hanseatic City of Lübeck has established a higher education district, in the centre of which are the University of Applied Sciences, University of Lübeck and a Science and Technology park.


THE UNIVERSITY OF ANTWERP (UANTWERP, BELGIUM is a young and dynamic university at the 5th position of the ‘Times Higher Education Millennials’. It is home to nearly 21,000 students and 6,200 staff members. Students come from all over the world: 19.6% are international students and 130 nationalities are represented. It participates in several European education programmes and is a member of the prestigious Utrecht Network, YERUN and recently also the EU funded YUFE-alliance (Young Universities for the Future of Europe). UAntwerpen has nine faculties and one of the research domains in which UAntwerpen is recognised as world leader is Ecology and Sustainable Development. The faculty of Science is involved in seven Centres of Excellence, including the Global Change Ecology excellence centre. The interfaculty Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development (IMDO) plays a crucial role in stimulating interdisciplinary research and education. IMDO has more than 30 years of expertise in environmental education and the study of water problems is one of the key topics with a strong education-research nexus.


THE UNIVERSITY OF LODZ (UL, POLAND) is devoted to research and education development aimed at community transformation. UL institution conducts major scientific projects with national and international grant providers, embracing a wide range of fields of exact sciences, natural sciences and humanities. UL activities: research, education, cooperation, contribute indirectly and directly to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Human Resources Strategy for Researchers. In 2015, UL declared to the European Commission implementation of the principles set out in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The UL can officially use the prestigious logo “HR Excellence in Research”, awarded by the European Commission. Thus, UL was included in the elite group of 44 research institutions in Poland distinguished by this logo. The UL, with 12 Faculties plus branch in Tomaszów Mazowiecki City, is a full-spectrum university offering a broad range of disciplines in its teaching (153 study fields) and research activities, from natural and life sciences to social sciences and humanities. UL employs 3656 staff members (2096 academics and enrolled 24325 Polish students, in 2018, and 1431 foreign students.