For general issues

MAEH secretariat email:

For academic enrolment and processes

UALG, Portugal:
ULO, Poland
THL, Germany:
UAntwerp, Belgium:

For the installation in each university

UALG, Portugal:
ULO, Poland
THL, Germany:
UAntwerp, Belgium



1. The master has detailed knowledge of the different types of global water problems, underlying causes and impacts, and can relate these to the context of sustainable development and EU Green Deal growth strategy.

2. The master has an advanced scientific knowledge of ecohydrology, water engineering, and integrated water management. He/she knows hydrological and ecohydrological terms and processes, and knows the adequate methods and engineering tools to improve aquatic ecosystems.

3. The master knows the concepts and elements of ecosystem services. He/she knows the major European and International frameworks, Sustainable Development Goals, water stock and flow accounting, the concept of water security in the IHPs strategic plan by UNESCO.


    1. The master comprehends the complexity of water systems and the need for a holistic and interdisciplinary approach. He/she can describe the essence of water problems and identify the underlying natural processes and degradation causes.

2. The master can identify, quantify, test and implement the right measures and solutions to solve water and aquatic ecosystem problems and develop sustainable and environmentally friendly ecohydrological solutions, under complex societal demands.

3. The master can develop nature-based and technological solutions according to integrated water management, considering the ecological, spatial and socio-economical context. Enhanced problem-solving and independent research skills enable him/her to approach and solve water problems in an original, innovative and interdisciplinary way.

4. The master is also able to critically assess the quality and relevance of studies performed by others. He/she can analyze policy plans, management proposals and measures for implementation and can contribute to their set up.

5. The master has the necessary social and communication skills (written and oral) to work in a multidisciplinary team. He/she can constructively participate in debates.


1. The master has the necessary competences and skills to conduct scientific research. He/she can combine different scientific approaches in interdisciplinary teams. As such, he/she has the capacity to identify relevant research questions, to choose adequate tools and scientific methods for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting (qualitative and quantitative) information on water problems. He/she can initiate and sustain a process of life-long learning.

2. The master has the competences to adjust specific water technologies to new situations. He/she can use his/her competences to make an original contribution to the development of new knowledge and insights in the scientific field of water science.

3. The master can solve environmental water problems, and he/she is prepared to develop innovative solutions for new problems that emerge during professional activities.

4. The master can report concisely orally and in written form about the context, causes, methods, results and conclusions of their work on water problems to specialists or laypeople, contractors and stakeholders.

5. The master has a critical scientific and a self-reflective attitude towards water problems. He/she has an open, creative, and critical mind and attitude, and focuses on professionally and ethically applying his/her capacity in the context of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility.


List of the courses and links to the course description and responsible staff here

Each University offers a large number of optional courses. You will be asked to select the ones you want and make a ranked list of three options. As courses cannot run with few number of students, you will be asked to rank your options. Usually, options with at least 8 students will be available in presential courses.

You can choose how many optional courses you want. The minimum number of ECTS you need to achieve are 3 at UAlg, and 9 at THL and UAntwerpen.

If there is any topic you would like to be considered and that is not in the list, please let us know by email.


The rules for the exams and regular evaluation will be indicated by the coordinator team at each university and will follow each university internal rules. In general, evaluation will take place during the semester and be in form of written or oral tests, written or practical reports, oral presentation, individual or group work. Exams can be the final evaluation and usually are written. Usually there is a regular and an additional (resit) opportunity to get the exam.
Students that fail a course and will have a mobility afterwards, can make the resit exam at the new mobility destination.
Grade systems are different in all partners Universities, but grades will be converted. Students will receive grades for each module using the ECTS (A-E) system. The detailed conversion of the national grades of each partner institution will be made according to the table proposed, in a way to minimize differences and rounding errors.


UAlg (PT) <10 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-20
ULO(PL) <3,0 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0
THL (D) >4,0 4,0-3,7 3,3-2,7 2,3-1,7 1,3 1,0
UAntwerpen <10 10-11 12-13 14-15 14-15 18-20



Thesis work is an integral part of the MAEH with 30 ECTS. The final thesis work is composed by two components: internship (10 ECTS) and dissertation (20 ECTS).
Internships will have a minimum duration of 6 weeks. Students will produce an internship report describing their training activities (e.g. methodologies they learned and trained for the practical development of the thesis work) which will be evaluated by the supervisor at the institution providing the internship and the supervisor from the responsible HEI. This report will account for 30% of the Master thesis grade.
Dissertation will consist of a written report including the main research results. The submission of the final thesis is due until 30 June of the second year (final course year). The thesis work will be completed with a public presentation and defence to be held at the enrolment university and following each university internal regulations.


A list of research topics proposals for thesis will be available at the 6 weeks after beginning of the third semester, so that students get in contact with all partners topics and professors, from all universities.
Students are encouraged to contact professors, researchers and stakeholders to develop a thesis topic of their choosing. As in the case of offered topics, proposals should include title, abstract, work plan, supervisor and contact details, and an acceptance letter of the supervisor institution.
Students will choose the topic, supervisor and University for enrolment, and will inform the coordination of the MAEH, until the 10th week of the third semester.
The number of students that can be enrolled in each university of the consortium is limited to an equative distribution per university. In case needed, a selection will be made based on the grades obtained so far.


Important dates, list of topics – 6th week of the 3rd semester
Submission of thesis topic – 10th week of the 3rd semester
Approval of thesis topic – end of the 3rd semester
Beginning of effective thesis work – beginning of the 4th semester
Internship – to be agreed with supervisor
Submission of thesis – 30 June
Evaluation; thesis presentation and final grade – until 31 Jully.


The thesis report should be written in English with potential to be published in an academic journal. Preferably students should use a scientific publication format:
• Executive Summary (max 1500 words)
• Abstract (max 500 words)
• Introduction
• Material and Methods
• Results
• Discussion
• Conclusion
• Acknowledgements
• References


Thesis public presentation must occur before the end of July.
Presentation will consist of an oral presentation of 20 min followed by questions from members of the reading committee and the audience during 40 min. Second opportunity for thesis submission should be in August.


Students will get a final transcript of records, indicating all courses and grades, and also, after successful completion of the course programme, a Joint Master Degree, issued by the consortium.


Students receiving Erasmus Mundus scholarships need to sign a contract with the University coordinating the course, in name of the European Union. Students that decide to quit the programme, except for extremely strong reason, as health problem, will need to reimburse the European Union Agency for the funds already received.


Students will be insured with the University insurance systems for activities with the course scope, at each university. Erasmus Mundus selected students will be insured also for travels since they leave their home countries.

Erasmus Mundus insurance will not cover situation when the student is national of the same country as the University of enrolment