1 Ecohydrology and Dynamics of ecosystem dynamics
Learning outcomes:
Ecohydrology and Dynamics of ecosystem dynamics is an introductory course to the ecohydrology concept. Students are expected to:
1 – Understand the basics of aquatic ecosystem dynamics;
2 – Understand the ecohydrology dual regulation concept and its application in different types of systems;
3 – Understand the need for integration of ecohydrologic processes at the entire river basin, for design of sustainable solutions;
4 – Understand the need for transdisciplinarity for applying ecohydrology solutions and
5 – Understand and develop concepts and practical examples of ecohydrology applied solutions;
Program contents:
Ecohydrology and Dynamics of ecosystem dynamics is an introductory course to the ecohydrology concept. Students are expected to:
1 – The Ecohydrology concept. The dual regulation between hydrology and biota as the core of the concept.
2 – Water resources and aquatic ecosystems. Global perspectives and evolution of global water resources status, pressures and impacts.
3 – Lake, river and coastal dynamics.
4 – Restoring aquatic dynamics and biogeochemical cycles to increase ecosystem resilience.
5 – Biota to regulate hydrology: applied ecohydrology examples.
6 – Hydrology to regulate biota: applied ecohydrology examples.
7 – Urban ecohydrology and dry areas ecohydrology.
8 – Ecosystem services and ecohydrology.
9 – Global UNESCO Ecohydrology demonstration sites.
2 Integrated project in Portugal - World of work 1
Learning outcomes:
The objective of the course is to provide progressive learning and training regarding the reality of the world of work in the thematic area of ecohydrology, water engineering and water management. The module will consider internships at Portuguese stakeholders companies and institutions, research internships at University or associated research centers, or development of projects with the participation of stakeholders, at the University.
Program contents:
Ecohydrology and Dynamics of ecosystem dynamics is an introductory course to the ecohydrology concept. Students are expected to:
1 – Identification of practical solutions for stakeholders real water ecosystem situations, by the stakeholders.
2 – Develop, conceptually, the solutions.
3 – Present and discuss the proposals with Portuguese stakeholders.
3 MAEH webinar in Ecohydrology
Learning outcomes:
Ecohydrology webinars aimed to increase the general knowledge of the students about global water realities and issues. The course will consist in a set of seminars, presential or at distance using web online tools. Seminars will be delivered by partners HEIs, but mainly by associated partners, as UNESCO Chairs
Program contents:
Presentation of general topics on ecohydrology and related themes (biodiversity, management, economics, water diplomacy water and gender, etc).
4 Fundamentals of hydrology and hydrogeology
Learning outcomes:
Understanding of the physical and chemical active processes that underlie the functioning of the hydrological cycle and aquifers.
Familiarization with analytical and numerical methods applied to practical aquifer management problems at local and regional scale will be worked. Familiarization with the implications of water use and exploration of aquifers in the base flow of rivers and balance of surface water in general.
Program contents:
Ecohydrology and Dynamics of ecosystem dynamics is an introductory course to the ecohydrology concept. Students are expected to:
– The hydrological cycle. Flows and quantification.
– Principles of meteorology.
– Precipitation.
– Evapotranspiration.
– Infiltration.
– Use simple mathematical models for precipitation.
– Coupling simulation of surface and groundwater models.
– Understanding and application of the principles of physical hydrogeology applied to the identification, quantification and sustainable use of groundwater.
– Hydrological balance and dynamic balance of aquifers.
– Recharge, regional waste and conceptual models.
– Sustainability of the exploitation of water resources.
– Dimensioning of abstractions at the local scale (analytical models).
5 Applied practical field and laboratory training in Ecohydrology
Learning outcomes:
Students will learn:
– To select and apply field sampling techniques;
– To apply field solutions for degraded ecosystems;
– To process and analyse samples in laboratory;
– To treat and analyse data;
– To develop ecohydrologic practical solutions for lakes, rivers and estuaries;
Program contents:
– Practical field (lake, river,estuary)laboratory training in ecohydrology.
– Training of laboratory analytical techniques.
– Data treatment.
– Reporting and presenting.
The course will consist of three parts:
Part 1:
Part 1.1: coastal ecohydrology: training course with techniques of marine and environmental intervention. Field trip to the Baltic coast and field work at the mouth of the Vistula river.
Part 1.2: freshwater ecohydrology – urban demosites: training with key aspects of remediation technologies using for urban ecosystem restoration (Phytotechnologies and phytoremediation course) and novel methods of bioassessment and river restoration (Fish-based assessment and River restoration course). Urban EH demosites.
Part 2:
Rural EH demosites: training with key aspects of remediation technologies using for rural ecosystem restoration Sulejow reservoir-Pilica River-POLAND (UNESCO demosite; LIFE EKOROB – best of the 2016 LIFE projects).
Part 3:
Student’s individual work on reports, essays and preparation for exams for PART 1 & 2.
6 Sustainable Urban Systems
Learning outcomes:
– Students understand the concept of sustainability in urban systems and are acquainted with related formal and informal planning policies, strategies and instruments and their implementation.
– Students have the ability to develop and design integrated planning solutions for blue and green infrastructures in urban areas in different contexts and scales.
– Students are able to develop and apply solutions of integrated water management with a specific regard on water and climate related adaptation measures in urban areas.
Program contents:
– Introduction to sustainability in urban areas and the concept of integrated planning.
– Basic knowledge on urban systems in different regions and processes of urbanisation.
– Urban improvement programs, projects and tools to analysis and evaluate urban areas and systems as well as methods of participation in urban decision making and community-based concept for urban upgrading and development.
– Function and dimensioning of urban storm-water systems.
– Calculation of the urban water balance and deduction of measures for robust catchment areas.
– Protection of urban areas from extreme storm events.
7 Hydrological Engineering
Learning outcomes:
– Students are able to perform hydrometric measurements and can develop monitoring networks;
– Students execute and select methods for hydrological data analysis with statistical, parametric and conceptual models;
– Students are able to develop design for flood retention, artificial recharge of groundwater, and environmentally friendly hydro-power solutions;
– Students are able to develop solutions for artificial wetlands, natural attenuation, and remediation schemes;
Program contents:
The course hydrological engineering covers the following program contents:
– Modern Hydrometry in rivers, springs, lakes and tracer methods;
– Hydrological data analysis with statistical methods and conceptual models, drought and flood statistics;
– Principles of hydrological engineering with safety and risk concepts;
– Design of eco-hydrological engineering for improving water quality, artificial wetlands, natural attenuation;
– Remediation methods.
8 Hydraulic Simulation and Modeling
Learning outcomes:
– Students are able to develop complex numerical surface water models, including.
– Parameter estimation, model calibration, validation and application to non-steady problems.
– Students can create flood maps and risk areas for river flood areas.
– Students can design and analyze hydraulic structures via numerical models.
Program contents:
– Basic knowledge of hydraulic terms.
– Properties of river systems, physical laws of motion and flow of surface water.
– Numerical modeling in hydraulic engineering, e.g. flood simulation or hydraulic for structure design (fish steps, weirs) with 1D, 2D averaged and 3D models.
– Parameter estimation, discretization, calibration, validation.
9 Integrated project in Germany - World of work 2
Learning outcomes:
The objective of the course is to provide progressive learning and training regarding the reality of the world of work in the thematic area of ecohydrology, water engineering and water management. The module will consider internships at German stakeholders companies and institutions, research internships at University or associated research centers, or development of projects with the participation of stakeholders, at the University.
Program contents:
Identification of practical solutions for stakeholders in real water ecosystem situations
Develop solutions with and for stakeholders based on the ecohydrology concept
Present and discuss the proposals with German stakeholders.
10 Applied Freshwater Ecology
Learning outcomes:
Students comprehend the complexity of aquatic systems including their biota and its interaction with terrestrial, atmospheric, climatic and geochemical processes. They realize the value of freshwater systems and their ecosystem services for humanity and know the framework and the instruments for the assessment of the quality of natural water bodies.
Program contents:
A lecture introduces to the theory of freshwater ecology. Although relevant physico-chemical parameters are dealt with, the focus lies on the autecology, population ecology and community ecology of the biota and on ecosystem ecology in the water bodies. Both, flowing (rivers and streams) and standing waters (reservoirs, lakes, ponds) are considered. Students elaborate on individual topics related to the interaction of water bodies with anthropogenic use.
11 Integrated assessment of water and sediment quality
Learning outcomes:
– Knowledge:
– List the most important classes of pollutants with their characteristics and possible effects.
– Define different monitoring techniques including their advantages and disadvantages.
– Give an overview of legislation related to pollutants.
– Explain how sediment and water quality guidelines are developed.
– Understanding:
– Describe the processes that determine the bioavailability of pollutants in sediment and water.
– Explain how pollutants are interacting with living organisms (uptake, transformation, elimination) on different levels of organization.
– Application:
– Use existing computer tools to perform an integrated risk assessment of a contaminated aquatic environment.
– Calculate ecological indices based on identified biota in a stream.
– Apply the theory of the course to work out a monitoring strategy to define the risks of existing pollution in an aquatic environment.
Program contents:
– An introduction to general concepts of ecotoxicology.
– An overview of most important classes of pollutants: sources, characteristics and effects.
– Factors and processes that determine the bioavailability of pollutants in aquatic ecosystems.
– European legislation related to pollutants in aquatic ecosystems: frameworks, applicability and background on sediment and water quality guidelines.
– The kinetics of interactions between pollutants and organisms on different levels of organization.
– An overview of different monitoring strategies to identify risks of pollutants in aquatic environments: chemical, toxicological, biological and ecological monitoring.
– Examples of different existing monitoring tools and frameworks.
– Examples of different case studies where the theory of the course is applied to perform an environmental risk assessment of a polluted aquatic environment.
12 Nature based solutions
Learning outcomes:
– Describe the ecological role and societal importance of natural ecosystems in a global perspective;
– Apply the concept of ecosystem services as a tool to describe the value of ecosystems for nature and society;
– Develop conceptual nature-based designs by acquiring and integrating information on physical processes, biogeomorphological processes, and ecological processes; carry out first-order detailing of conceptual designs (e.g. application of simple design rules, order of magnitude analysis, feasibility check, assessment of ecological and societal effects);
– Have an overview of the different applications of nature-based solutions using a systemic approach along the entire continuum of river and sea;
Program contents:
Nature Based Solutions (NbS) is an emerging concept. Nature-based Solutions are defined by IUCN as “actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural or modified ecosystems, that address societal challenges effectively and adaptively, simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits”. It covers a range of approaches and technologies, which use natural processes and ecosystems to address societal challenges, especially climate adaptation and mitigation and sustainable development. Of particular relevance are applications in the field of water management. These include water resources management, stormwater management, coastal/river flood protection, water supply, wastewater treatment and pollution prevention. We will discuss the application of nature-based solutions using a systemic approach along the entire continuum of river and sea. This will include stream valley restoration (e.g. role of buffer strips, dispersal barriers, re-introduction of ecosystem engineers, etc.), reconnecting rivers to floodplains, ecosystem-based coastal defence in the face of global change, and the role of blue-green infrastructure in managing urban water resources. Their design, performance, risk reduction and co-benefits will be discussed using examples and case studies of around the world.
13 Groundwater management and remediation
Learning outcomes:
With this course we want to provide insight in the basic transport processes related to groundwater and to groundwater-surface water interactions. This course entails basis fluid dynamics and also geochemistry, both of these aspects in relation to monitoring tools and models and to soil- and groundwater remediation & management. This will results in course applicants that are better capable to evaluate and manage groundwater and groundwater-surface water related problems & engineering works.
Program contents:
The objective of this course is to teach groundwater management from the key methodologies to collect hydrogeochemical data to build a conceptual site model (CSM), through selecting and managing remediation systems based on chemical, geological and biological site conditions and regulations. This all in the broad context of a groundwater system that is related to a surface water stream, flowing from source to mouth.
14 Integrated modelling and design of basin
Learning outcomes:
Familiarise the student with several modelling aspects one is confronted with in a river basin management framework. The integrated approach demonstrates the interdependencies between the different subsystems which allows the student to think in river basin scale including all its aspects.
Program contents:
Session 1: WWTP modelling. Different aspects of WWTP modelling will be highlighted. This includes: (1) a description of popular models for biological processes, settling tanks, anaerobic digesters, MBRs,…; (2) influent characterisation and (3) measuring/evaluating plant performance and (4) a basic introduction to control.
Session 2: Hydrological modelling. The most important hydrologic processes will be described, as well as the combination of these processes into hydrologic models. Further, an overview of the most common problems (and solutions) in the application of hydrologic models will be given.
Session 3: River water quality modelling. This session will describe how water quality models integrate river processes, i.e., hydrology, chemical transport, biological and chemical transformations, inclusion of point and diffuse sources. In the session, examples will be given of various models that simulate water quality at different levels of complexity and scale. Short attention will be paid to tools that are used or preferred by national authorities and the EU commission to built water management plans and perform impact calculations of measures on receiving water bodies, to comply with the WFD.
15 Integrated project in Belgium - World of work 3
Learning outcomes:
The objective of the course is to provide progressive learning and training regarding the reality of the world of work in the thematic area of ecohydrology, water engineering and water management. The module will consider internships at Belgium stakeholders companies and institutions, research internships at University or associated research centers, or development of projects with the participation of stakeholders, at the University.
Program contents:
1 – Identification of practical solutions for stakeholders real water ecosystem situations, by the stakeholders;
2 – Develop, conceptually, the solutions;
3 – Present and discuss the proposals with Belgium stakeholders;
16 Thesis
Learning outcomes:
– Problem analysis, development / application of methodologies for analysis, data handling and critical report writing;
– Fostering the capacity for autonomous scientific writing and analysis;